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"Franchising Your Dreams" - Short experimental film trilogy by Postmodern DUB Composer C.P.Bryan

Wherein the director tries to achieve something like a series of animated abstract expressionist paintings. Instead of being limited to a static 2-dimensional canvas or even a 3-dimensional sculpture or installation art piece, the medium is video. Video art is perhaps not a new thing - in fact the early days of music videos were full of examples of videos which were little more than random collages of images providing little more than eye-candy to titillate the visual processing centers while the brain was focussed mainly on the auditory experience of the pop song being played.

The "FYD" series could be described as music videos in that the visual content is meant to sync tightly with the background music, and any narrative is provided in the form of subtitles, instead of spoken words embedded in the soundtrack.

THERE IS A THEME HERE! Despite the desire to retain a certain level of subjective personal interpretation, the progression of images does follow a pre-arranged outline. The three phases of "Franchising Your Dreams" could be described as follows:
"Enfranchisement" - Wherin the subject compartmentalizes nature, or commodifies his/her experiential world to conform to the dictates of socitety (largely as necessitated by economic imperatives).

"Party Music For Dance People" (Common name: "The Pink Fruit Crystal") - This segment looks at party culture as an antidote to corporate brainwashing.

The soundtrack of this video is a single music composition titled "Being Rick Wakeman's Dub" composed by C.P.Bryan and Steve Lowther.
"Disenfranchisement" - When you hear or read a media report on "The Disenfranchised", it is usually in the context of a culture of lost youths who are driven to drug addiction and crime. But cannot this escape from franchises be regarded as a return to the "natural order"?

(ALL background music for this video project was obtained with permission from the Free Soundtrack Music Royalty Free Music Library)
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